Born in Bayonne, Franck Cavadore first draws and paints nudes, bodies and portraits, but his mind wanders to other horizons and claims more independence and spontaneity in creation.
Little by little, the gesture becomes more pronounced, the hand is freed, covering the canvas with new signs, hatchings, strokes, lines that gradually occupy the space of the work. Franck Cavadore then paints monochrome or bicolored labyrinths, proceeding by optical processes that offer several readings between the background and the motif. By reintroducing color, he opened new perspectives.
Today, oil and acrylic cohabit on canvas or kraft paper, always in a great creative freedom of movement. His art is nourished by daily life, nature and a desire to paint always intact. The work of Franck Cavadore seduces by its balance and its soothing harmony. It retains by the infinity of readings that it proposes without ever repeating itself, nor imposing anything.
Good to know :

The artists are open to the creation of original works on order so do not hesitate to contact us for any project.